Monday, January 14, 2008

Four Days!

Man, dance is like a drug. You get your first sniff/huff/taste/ and that is it. You are hooked! Man, that is all I can think about! I have no idea who I am gonna focus in school! I still need 9 more AR points by Wednesday! I have a book read though, and it is worth 11 points! So at least I have some leeway, and I guess I could read ALL day tomorrow, but I don't want to. Dance is once again the only thing that pops to my mind. I just want to dance my entire life. I wonder how long this, "high," will last. As long as my grades stay high, I want this to stay. It is like my entire life was a car with no battery, and dance was in affect pushing that car down the hill and popping the clutch to get it going, and now I am cruising at 110 MPH!


kiwi 23 said...

Wow...I've never heard you speak of something so passionately before besides tennis...and even THAT doesn't even measure up!!!

Maybe you will be on "So You Think You Can Dance" someday. If you did that, you would be my hero lol; I LOVE that show!

Marie Degarimore said...

haha. ya. I kinda agree with Kiwi 23. I'm impressed that you speak of your dance so passionately. It is kinda cool. I also agree that someday, you are probably gonna be on "So You Think You Can Dance" That would be amazing.