Sunday, October 14, 2007


This "assignment" is becoming quite boring. I wonder if I am the only one who thinks this. What is the point of writing 500 words per week? To make us better writters? It doesn't really work does it? I use the same words over in the same generally constructed sentences saying boring stuff that maybe two people care about. Oh well, anything worth anything is worth doing. I still need to read the Count of Monte Cristo, and the other part of the apostrophe quiz, and of course I need to enter my short essay. Life is so demanding. I would like to have a week off from everything in life, not just school but life. All of it. Now I am bored with nothing else to write. Of course I still need more words so I am stuck here dragging this entry out, further, and further. I wish I could just type at a million words a minute of random crap without thinking so this could be done. I suppose I could just drag everything out, more, and more, and more, and more. See that is why I hate having a word limit. All I have to do to fulfill it is say I like: pizza, dogs, cats, big dogs, small cats, big fish, airplanes, tennis, tennis balls, tennis rackets, tennis players, tennis bags, more tennis, did I mention tennis, T.V., carpet, ice cream, anything deep fried, water, lemonade, apple juice, and of course, not writing this. Now I have my five hundred words this week but did I really "think" and learn to write better because of it? No, of course not. So once again I ask why we have a word limit.


MRT said...

In a way, this reminded me of something a former student wrote and my subsequent response.

Does a pianist question the point of playing the piano for two or three hours a day? Does a basketball player not understand why it is important to practice with the team? Presumably everyone is in this class to (among other things) improve and develop writing skills. You improve your writing by WRITING OFTEN! It's practice, man! And it sounds to me like you should practice creating some prose that is dynamic and fun to read. (Also, there is indeed a 500-word minimum on the blog requirement, but there is no maximum. Feel free to write as many words as you like beyond that!