Monday, April 21, 2008

Answered Prayers

I did end up getting to play that varsity spot. #1 doubles! It rocked hard core.

My prayers have been answered left and right these past days. I love it. I feel like I mean like something. I feel great. I feel like I just won the world series. I love it. I think that this feeling should stay, but just like all other things, it must end. Well families are an exception to this. Families are forever!!! ^^ Isn't that the most awesome thing ever? Honestly, who wants to just be married for one life when you can be married for eternity. That I think will be the best thing ever, to get married. I want to find someone I can love forever. I want them to be the most perfect thing ever. Not just something good. She is going to be awesome, gorgeous, lovely, righteous, smart, funny, and the best girl on Earth. She will be freaking awesome. She will be my wife. She will be a mother. She will be friendly. She will be compassionate. She will be these and more. I can only imagine what she will be like. Once I find her I will know. Cuz she will be awesome! Only 5 years 8 months 18 days until I can look for my wife. It seems so long,but really it isn't. Time is like a truck. At the start it is very slow, but as it accelerates, it speeds forward faster and faster. Hopefully time will keep on trucking. Yet sometimes I don't. It is nice to be young. To make mistakes, to have fun, and to just do whatever. I wish life was a two-way street, but as we all know it only goes one way, age. BLAH!!


I.N.H. said...

Wow, someones excited for dating!

Unknown said...

He is excited to date a certain girl from Layton! lol!

I.N.H. said...

No;I think she's going to North Ridge.

panda_lova said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

woah, tom. Someone's excited to grow and *cough* *cough* have a family. Good for you (?) hope you find someone who meets all your expectations. I've never met anyone as perfect as you just described before ;)

Panda Girl said...

Hahaha! Yeah, she's going to NHS! lol

Haha, I agree with Muffin Toaster... there's no one THAT perfect out there. Sometimes if you keep thinking there's someone better out there, you miss your only opportunity. It happened to my mom's friend or someone; it's a rather sad story; I'll tell it to you all sometime.

Unknown said...

Hi! guess what? We have a tennis court.

Unknown said...

you need to blog more

Panda Girl said...

Yeah you haven't blogged FOREVER!!!