I did end up getting to play that varsity spot. #1 doubles! It rocked hard core.
My prayers have been answered left and right these past days. I love it. I feel like I mean like something. I feel great. I feel like I just won the world series. I love it. I think that this feeling should stay, but just like all other things, it must end. Well families are an exception to this. Families are forever!!! ^^ Isn't that the most awesome thing ever? Honestly, who wants to just be married for one life when you can be married for eternity. That I think will be the best thing ever, to get married. I want to find someone I can love forever. I want them to be the most perfect thing ever. Not just something good. She is going to be awesome, gorgeous, lovely, righteous, smart, funny, and the best girl on Earth. She will be freaking awesome. She will be my wife. She will be a mother. She will be friendly. She will be compassionate. She will be these and more. I can only imagine what she will be like. Once I find her I will know. Cuz she will be awesome! Only 5 years 8 months 18 days until I can look for my wife. It seems so long,but really it isn't. Time is like a truck. At the start it is very slow, but as it accelerates, it speeds forward faster and faster. Hopefully time will keep on trucking. Yet sometimes I don't. It is nice to be young. To make mistakes, to have fun, and to just do whatever. I wish life was a two-way street, but as we all know it only goes one way, age. BLAH!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Answered Prayers
Posted by
Border Walker
8:52 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Missed Chances and Sacrifices
We all have had to make tough choices. Sometimes it is just to eat and other times it can be so much more. Like if you should pay the heating bill or buy food for your kids. I had a tough choice the other day. I had a tennis match scheduled for today. I also had a huge dress rehearsal scheduled for today also. Both ran over the same time slot. The tennis match was just a match right? Go to the dress rehearsal so you can perform in front of MANY people this Friday was the obvious choice. Well I learned that one of the varsity couldn't play and I was the next guy up. So I would take his spot. VARSITY, on a high school team as a 9th grader! My coach tried to convince me by saying he would give my spot to a worse guy whom I really really really dislike. However, I had made up my mind, I was going to dance. I got lucky today though, it snowed, and snowed hard. They HAD to cancel the match. I was in luck. I even got to talk to my coach, but apparently he was going to play a worse guy in that varsity spot because he "promised" it to him. Obviously he was trying to get me upset for skipping tennis for dance. That seems immature to me and I might not even go out for tennis next year because they do have a ballroom dance club thingie that I would like to do. Maybe if my coach had not been so rude and manipulative I wouldn't make that decision, but unless something changes, I am most likely not going to be on the tennis team next year where I would be varsity for sure. Tough decisions, but I have made mine, dance over tennis.
If you had to make a tough decision such as do you pay a heating bill in winter to keep your heat or buy shoes for your kid, what would you choose? These choices have to be made everyday. Someone has to make them. It is amazing how our mind weighs our choices. We have to put a value to everything. Using these values we have to then rank them. It is sad when the choice comes down to two things we really need, such as heating and food or even clothes. Some how we have to come out with a decision.
Posted by
Border Walker
6:40 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Man, Oh Man, Do I need to blog or what???
So as one of my friends has pointed out that I haven't blogged in almost a month, I am finally doing something about it. As most of my readers (if there are any left) know I love dance, I have a performance this friday at LHS. It will rock. There will be over 300 dancers. My team is only 30 of them. We do get to do the opening song and a couple more later in. I will be in a Salsa routine which is the very first performance. I will also be in a Cha-Cha later on, followed by a Samba. I have the same partner in Cha-Cha and Salsa but a different one for the Samba. In the start of the Samba all the guys are in the center and we get to "check-out" the girls as my coach put it as they dance around us. We also get to scream all sorts of things. Like Hola Chickas! Or CALIENTE!!! It will rock hard core. In salsa I'm the second guy to enter on the stage and I am infront for the most part. Then in Cha-Cha I'm second on stage but in the very front until the very end where I am in the center back with no one infront of me. So I get my fair share of the lime-light. Of course we have the finale, but aside from a quick move in the front, I'm in the back for the big finish. Oh well, can't be the center the entire time.
*Note to the few readers I have left, I will post at least 2 more by Thursday...
Posted by
Border Walker
6:48 PM