Man, oh man.... just imagine you are sitting at a counter in a bakery. Infront of you lies thousands and thousands of different types of cookies. How do you know which one to get? You can't really choose can you? It is so hard to make the decision. You are hungry but you can only pick one cookie. Just one. Which one do you take?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
My Bloody Valentine
He dropped you off, I followed him home.
Then I, stood outside his bedroom window.
Standing over him, he begged me not to do,
What I know I had to do,
Because I'm so In Love With You!
Oh my love please don't cry,
I'll wash my bloody hands and we'll start a new life.
March 20th- 11:34 PM
"Veronica, I love you. I always have. He wasn't worth your time, he wasn't worth you." I spoke such confidence, how could she not love me? "He was going to take you away, away from me. I wasn't going to let him. You and me, that is all I care about. We can run, we can start a new life. We can do it. We can live! Together!"
Only a few hours earlier, Joel had found Veronica with Mike. He was devastated.
March 20th- 9:23 PM
What was she doing with him? I love you Veronica! Why are you with him? These thoughts constantly plagued me as I watched them from my car. They were walking down the beach.
March5- 8:30 AM
Only a few weeks before that Veronica had taken out a restraining order on Joel. He had followed her for weeks, and the final straw was when he was caught sneaking into her room late at night. When the police where called he was found with several of her possessions in his pockets. Including an old diary, a lock of her hair, and some articles of her clothing.
March 20th - 9:40 PM
Where were they going? I need to do something. I love her. She loves me. Joel reached into his pocket and grabbed a picture he had taken of Veronica. He looked at it as a dog looks towards his loving master. I'm going to do something. Just as he finished putting his picture back in his pocket he looked up to see Mike kiss Veronica. This filled him with rage. At that moment he stepped out of the door and slammed it behind him. He began running towards the two. "Veronica! Don't let him do that! He is only trying to use you!" Then turning his attention towards Mike, "Get your freaking hands off of her!" Joel came in swinging. He took the first shot while still running. He aimed just above Mike's jawbone. Mike easily ducked out of the way and planted a very strong blow to Joel's cheek bone. Veronica heard a crunch and Mike's fist landed. Joel had fallen to the ground. Easily defeated. "Mike lets get out of here. Take me home, I can't stand this."
March 20th- 10:13 PM
After a long car ride Mike pulled his car into Veronica's driveway. Along the way she had told Mike about everything, the restraining order, everything. He was worried for his girlfriend. "If anything happens or you see anything, or are just scared, call me. Anytime. Anywhere. I'll find you." "G'night Mike" Veronica smiled. Somewhat still distracted by tonight's events she walked into her house.
March 20th 10:24 PM
Veronica turned on the T.V. to distract her. She walked into the kitchen and began to make a sandwich. Should I call the police about tonight? After all Joel did break the restraining order. Maybe I should. As she sat and pondered this Mike was driving home.
March 20th 10:24 PM
Mike backed out of the drive way and was driving down the street. His house was only a block or two away. Only a few minutes. He was a bit shaken from tonight's events. His adrenaline was still pumping. I'm going to kill that creep. If he so much as lays a hand on Veronica, he'll be dead.
March 20th 10:40 PM
Mike had made it all the way home and now was enjoying some chips before going to bed. There was quite a storm blowing in. The wind was picking up and it started to heavily rain. Once his snack was done he headed for bed. As he layed down he heard something out the window. It is just the storm he said.
March 20th 10:40 PM
Veronica decided she was going to call the police in the morning. There wasn't much they could do at this late hour. So she headed for bed.
March 20th 11:02 PM
Joel found the bedroom window unlocked. He very stealthily opened it without a sound and entered the room. He very quietly closed the window behind him. He stood over a bed with a hunting knife in his hand. He started to cough and tried to stop himself but it was too late, he had been heard. Mike opened his eyes wide. Then in that moment a million feelings were expressed through them. With one feeling reigning supreme over the others. Fear. As Mike tried to jump up, Joel slammed the knife hard, as hard as he could, down into Mike's neck. A little cry escaped from Mike's mouth before falling back down onto his bed. This wasn't enough for Joel. He then pulled the knife back out of the neck and continued to stab it into Mike and twisting and ripping. He didn't just kill Mike. He maimed him. Joel saw a light go on in the hallway. He quickly escaped through the window he had come through. As he was running from the property he heard a scream of a mother, and the weeping of a father.
March 20th 11:15
The police quickly arrived at the murder scene. They began to question the parents. "He was with Veronica, his girlfriend, all night." They quickly called her.
"Hello, Veronica?"
"Yes, who is this?" her voice was tired and it sounded as if she had just woken up.
"I'm afraid I have terrible news. Mike has been murdered. Is there anyone you know who would've done this?"
The officer didn't receive a response. All he heard was a desperate crying. This was all he was going to hear.
March 20th 11:17
"Veronica?" This time the voice did not come from the phone. She was scared stiff. She dropped the phone and turned to see Joel. His shirt was bloody, he was still clenching a knife. She began to scream. Joel quickly covered her mouth. "I love you..." She bit into his hand. In sudden terror Joel drew back. Veronica took this chance and bolted for the door. She made it out and was worried about her family. She turned around and saw Joel chasing her. She turned and ran. She had made it three blocks before slowing down. Then she dared to look. No one was there.
March 20th- 11:34 PM
Her cell phone rang. It was her home phone number.
"Mom?" her voice was quivering
"Veronica, I love you. I always have. He wasn't worth your time, he wasn't worth you." I spoke such confidence, how could she not love me? "He was going to take you away, away from me. I wasn't going to let him. You and me, that is all I care about. We can run, we can start a new life. We can do it. We can live! Together!"
She dropped the phone. It fell into a puddle formed by the rain. She was alone. In the dark. He family, dead, her boyfriend, dead. She broke down into tears and fell to the ground. She couldn't muster any strength to move, or even scream.
March 20th 11:41 AM
"Veronica, I love you." Veronica turned over and saw Joel standing over her. She wasn't able to move or think.
"Oh my love please don't cry, I'll wash my bloody hands and we'll start a new life."
*Thanks to Good Charlotte for their song My Bloody Valentine for my inspiration
Posted by
Border Walker
3:35 PM
Friday, August 8, 2008
Nothing Tastes As Sweet As What You Can't Have
Nothing tastes as sweet
As what I can't have
Like you and the way that you're twisting your hair
Round your finger
Tonight I'm not afraid to tell you
What I feel about you.
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have.
These are some of the lyrics to Teddy Gieger's song For You I Will. I really believe there is an awful amount of truth from these words. In a play I'm currently in, Singing In The Rain, one of the lines between the main character, Don, and his closest friend, Cosmo, goes something like the following...(pay attention to the bold)
Cosmo: Three weeks are you are still thinking about her?
Don: Yeah she is on my mind
Cosmo: How could you not, she was the first girl to not fall for your lines since you were four...
Why does this have to be true? Why does our heart ALWAYS lead us to someone who will never like us, or at least don't at the moment. Why is it that those we always think about are those we can never have? Sometimes this can be very upsetting...
Posted by
Border Walker
8:46 PM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Let Go, Just Slip Away, Stay Down, In The Dark...
Posted by
Border Walker
2:47 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
What we are is what we do. So if we are happy we must be doing happy things. You can't expect to sit around all day and do nothing and be happy can you? If you are dumb then sure. Honestly, get up, get motivated, and do something today. It isn't that hard. And the reward for doing so will pay off in spades. Happiness is not a state, but rather a habit. You can't remain happy if you stop doing what got you there in the first place.
Posted by
Border Walker
11:59 AM
Monday, July 14, 2008
Personality Disorders
So I took this test to tell me how messed up I am. It is pretty close. Haha. You guys should take it
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
URL of the test:
URL for more info:
Posted by
Border Walker
3:44 PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
I Was Going To...
“I HATE YOU! I’m leaving.” I screamed towards my crying mother. I grabbed the keys to my car and walked out the garage door after slamming it hard. What is her problem? Can’t she just leave me alone? I’m not having sex, doing drugs, or drinking, so what does she care what I do on my time? My car is my freedom I use it to get away. Sometimes I just drive into the mountains and take a nap in the mountain air. I’ve never done anything “bad” but she won’t believe me. I just like to get away and have no one know where I’ve gone. I just want to disappear; from her, from the world, from everything. This time I was leaving for a while. I was pissed. I got in the car and jammed up the radio. I felt my hand twitch as I realized my words. I could hear the loud sob of my mother through the thin garage wall. When I cleared my head and got home I was going to apologize. I shouldn’t have said those things. But apologies are for another time; right now I’m just going to disappear. I backed out of the garage and drove down the street, with my arm out the window feeling the wind, turning left towards the mountains. As I came across an intersection I heard a loud twang and my body was suddenly sent into a convulsion it seemed like. The airbag deployed. I felt my arm snap as the front of the car met the middle. Squishing me like a doll. I felt metal hit my head. I could feel blood poor out. I knew I was dying. My vision began to fade. This isn’t fair, I was going to say sorry. I was going to be better. Instead the last my mom will know of me is “I hate you.” No! I could feel tears stream down my face. I thought of her crying as I left. I realized all she had done for me. But now, it was too late. I was going to be sorry, I was going to be better, I was going to…
*Thanks to Mymemory62005 for the inspiration*
Posted by
Border Walker
6:50 PM
Monday, June 30, 2008
A man has 6 people including you at gun point. He tells you that of the six bullet chambers only 1 is loaded. You have a choice. You can have him shoot you or at one of the other captives. You alone get to make this choice. You have no idea if he lied about the bullets in the gun or not. You have no idea which if any are loaded. What would you do? Would you have him shoot at yourself? It could be blank. It could not. Would you have him shoot at another? What if then it wasn’t blank? Could you live with that on your conscious?
Posted by
Border Walker
8:39 PM
It Will End In Fire
I once believed in a type of seer. A prophet of some sort. Not that they had some sort of super natural ability, but quite the opposite, they were more in tune with the nature around them. These people never really had much opportunity for relationships. Quite sad, but such tranquility with nature requires much sacrifice. I had the chance to meet one such individual. It led to the most terrifying event I have ever witnessed,
When I was no more than 17 I lived in a quite rural area. Small town. Everyone knew everyone. My house was two stories, on a 4 acre lot. On this lot we had a couple horses. My father owned a farm outside of town. He spent many tireless hours slaving in the fields and working with the livestock. His face was very warm and every time he came home from working he would smile softly and warmly and would proceed to question me about my day. Those moments made me love the man. His warm smile, loving face, and general concern for the well-being of his only son always made my soul light up. Like a fire, glowing and giving off warmth for all those around it. He was all I had in this quite town. My mom passed away many years ago in a harsh winter. She went out in the middle of a blizzard to find her lost son, me. She did find me some hours later, but when she did find me I was nearly frozen to death. She took off her coat and gloves and every piece of warm clothing she had and wrapped it around me. She then picked me up and carried me back to our home. By the time she had carried me all that way she had no energy left to fight the cold. Her face turned blue, and her lips to a dark purple such of that of a royal kings clock. My dad wept for many hours. Never have I seen him weep so. I knew that deep in his heart somewhere he blamed me. Or at least I thought. But I pushed these thoughts to the darkest corner of my mind, never to be touched or heard of again.
One sunny afternoon I was walking down the street to my house, about a mile further down the road. That is when I passed Ms. Blancher’s house. She was rocking on her porch. Alone. Never had she married, and now in her 80th year of life, I found it hard to believe she ever would have the chance now. As I walked by she looked at me. Her eyes now filled with a cloudiness that comes with age, and said, in a raspy voice, “Dear, why don’t you have your umbrella? It will be a rainy day.” I just pondered her words. Giving her a quizzical look I was sure she couldn’t see from her porch I replied “I must have forgotten it, but thank you for reminding me Mrs. Blacher.” Half a mile further down the road the weather took a turn for the worst. And it poured. I walked into the house completely soaked. As I closed the door I could feel the water rolling off of me and onto the floor. It was a complete mess. One thing bothered me that night. How did she know?
The next day I woke up bright and early and headed my way down the street to Ms. Blancher’s house. I walked up to her door. When I stepped on the porch I could feel the old weathered wood bend and heard it squeak under my foot. “Hello Aaron, come and on and make yourself at home.” An old raspy voice sounded from deep within the house. How did she know it was me? No windows were open. I didn’t speak as I approached the house. I was greeted by a quaint living room. In which there was nothing much to speak of. All the furniture had years and years of use, giving them a warm welcoming feel to it. I sat in a chair that sank low as my weight came to rest on it. Ms. Blancher came in and sat down on the couch. “Honey, I know why you have come, you want to know how I knew it was going to rain.” She spoke these words almost as if she knew my innermost thoughts. “Dear, when you get to be as old as I am, having no one to fill your ears with words, and noise, you begin to hear things many miss. Many things. Such as the rain, singing in the distance, or the earth shouting as it is preparing to tremble, or the bird singing its last song before it goes the way of the earth. And now my Dear, I’ve heard the Earth. My mother Earth crying for me to return home. I fear it will be soon my darling. Leave me now, and never pass this way again.” Completely shocked by this monologue, so deep, coming from this old lady, I stood up and did as she bade. Weeks passed by. Everyday I found myself wondering whether she had passed. One day as I walked by her house I looked in and saw something move. This gave me courage. I walked up to the door. This time I was not greeted. This time I just walked in. For some reason the same room did not offer any warmth or welcoming. I scanned the room. “Ms. Blancher?” My voice called out almost like a cry of a baby. Something inside me grabbed at my heart. Did she pass? What did I see move in the house. I walked into the kitchen and I found Ms. Blancher clutching at her heart. “Ms. Blancher!!!” I rushed forward. “Now my darling,” she spoke more quietly and with more rasp than ever. ”It is my time to return home. Is there anything you need to ask not of me, but of mother Earth?” My mind raced, what could I say to this seer of the earth, this prophetess? “How will it end? How?” Her eyes sparked up at this and she reached forward towards my chest, this time speaking no louder than the quietest whisper. “It will end in fire.”
She than fell to the ground. My heart raced. I ran for a phone but I found none. I raced home the mile to get to a phone. I dialed 911 and tried to keep from crying. An ambulance rushed to her home. When they got there all they found was an empty house. I knew something was wrong. Maybe mother earth had taken her away. Maybe she wasn’t dead. Maybe she ascended. I knew not what happened, but her words hurt more than ever. It will end in fire.
That night when my father came home I was greeted by the same warm face. But it darkened when he saw mine. “What is wrong?” No matter what he tried to do nothing could console me. The death of Ms. Blancher was not what jerked me so, but rather her last words. The words she would use her last breath to say. It will end in fire. I couldn’t sleep that night. When dawn broke I went outside to feel the fresh air. I turned around. My father was lighting up the fire in our living room when it seemed almost to jump out of the pit and to burn down our house. My father ran outside. The weather seemed to worsen. Dark rolling clouds came in. But no rain came to the relief of our house. I saw lightening strike just out of town. I knew it was the doing of Ms. Blancher. I saw smoke on the horizon. My father’s eyes began to tear. He ran and I followed. I knew what had happened before we even saw it. It will all end in fire. The farm, our house, all of it, gone. Fire had taken it back to mother earth. It will all end in fire. All of it.
Posted by
Border Walker
8:33 PM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
That is it. We are Done!
We made it through. (Even if it was by the skin of my teeth). Woo hoo! I don't have to blog anymore! I most likely will though. I mean honestly, I need something to do all summer. And it is a nice way to say what you want to say without anyone looking at you in the face. I guess it makes you more honest. You're more willing to go out and say what you want to. That can be bad too. It goes both ways. Like a lot of things.
This year is over. I can't believe it. I never would of thought that this year would go by so quickly. It was shocking to realize I won't see many of those people again. It is a sad thought. But all things end. Even the truly sweet things. Nothing remains forever. Except love. Love. Such a strange word. How can we put such a sweet emotion into a word. It is weird. You never really can fully descirbe it. Go ahead and try, emotions are just tricky that way.
Time for another set of friends. I've moved a lot so I guess this doesn't hit me as hard but it still hurts. Some of my friends are going to Davis. Which is sad. Hopefully I'll have tons of friends at Layton next year.
Posted by
Border Walker
3:40 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
You Might Regret What You Let Slip Away
Seize the day! Don't sit there and stare at the world. We are here to live. So live. Take that chance you were thinking about. Don't let everything you want slip through your hands. If you never take risk, you never succeed or fail. So are you just going to sit there and be neutral your whole dang life? No. Never. Not me! I would rather see success right next to failure. Risk is worth taking. Go ahead try for yourself. Tell that special someone that they are special. Go outside and have fun. Dance like no one is watching. Confidence is attractive. Show that you aren't afraid of others. So what if you fail? Does it truly matter in the end? We all end up six feet under. Go out tomorrow, and just take that risk. Tuesday I should take some extra risk. Tell some kids what I truly think. So should you! If everyone said what they thought there would be no confusing girls! Haha. Seize the day.
"Live every day as if it were your last and then some day you'll be right. ~H.H. "Breaker" Morant"
"Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. ~Wayne Dyer"
"Every man dies. Not every man really lives. ~Braveheart"
"As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do. ~Zachary Scott"
"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. ~Abraham Lincoln"
"Most of us spend our lives as if we had another one in the bank. ~Ben Irwin"
"Seize the day. If we let them slip away, we only let our happiness go with it. ~Tom Buchmiller"
Posted by
Border Walker
7:02 PM
Move Along, Just To Make It Through
When everything is wrong, we move along. Why can't people grasp this concept? It isn't that hard. We have all been taught how to live, and what to do. So why when are we kicked down, we stop. It doesn't make sense. I take joy in seeing myself pull myself out of the dirt and stand up. Even if this is just to get kicked down again. No matter how many times I am hit, kicked, and pushed face down into the dirt, I stand. Why is it that I see so many others just stay on the ground? Have they no honor? If we let others push us down we give them power over us. We let them show they are better. Is that really what you want? It makes no sense. When everything is wrong, we move along. Move along just to make it through. Never go against what you know to be true. If you know they aren't better than you, then get back up. If you know that you have to get up. Get up.
Posted by
Border Walker
6:57 PM
I haven't been blogging like I use to. I guess life just got busy and I kept pushing this off. Everyday I would just say, I have one more day tomorrow. This really became a problem for me this last term of school. I got lazy and now I have started to procrastinate. It seems that every year I start the school with renewed energy and I get everything done and everything is just fine. Then this energy carries me through 2nd term and most of 3rd, but by 4th term I am so lazy that I don't do anything until the day before it is due. This is something I plan to work on this upcoming year. With the classes I'm taking next year I can' t afford to put things off. With an A/B schedule it will make it easy to procrastinate, but it will hurt me if I do. I just need to use my mind and put it towards doing my work. It isn't so much that I can't do my work, just I don't feel like it. There is always tomorrow right? Wrong. If we all put things off until tomorrow our lives would be ruined. Such is the example of eating healthy. If we put it off then we are just hurting ourselves. Or it doesn't have to be something physical. Like asking a girl out. If we keep putting off, we will never go out. (Learn this now boys!) Procrastination should be considered evil. Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins. So start working now and don't wait for tomorrow. Because today is the tomorrow you talked about yesterday. Not everything can be pushed back a day. If we do, we become sloths. They aren't the most beautiful things either.
Posted by
Border Walker
6:44 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Answered Prayers
I did end up getting to play that varsity spot. #1 doubles! It rocked hard core.
My prayers have been answered left and right these past days. I love it. I feel like I mean like something. I feel great. I feel like I just won the world series. I love it. I think that this feeling should stay, but just like all other things, it must end. Well families are an exception to this. Families are forever!!! ^^ Isn't that the most awesome thing ever? Honestly, who wants to just be married for one life when you can be married for eternity. That I think will be the best thing ever, to get married. I want to find someone I can love forever. I want them to be the most perfect thing ever. Not just something good. She is going to be awesome, gorgeous, lovely, righteous, smart, funny, and the best girl on Earth. She will be freaking awesome. She will be my wife. She will be a mother. She will be friendly. She will be compassionate. She will be these and more. I can only imagine what she will be like. Once I find her I will know. Cuz she will be awesome! Only 5 years 8 months 18 days until I can look for my wife. It seems so long,but really it isn't. Time is like a truck. At the start it is very slow, but as it accelerates, it speeds forward faster and faster. Hopefully time will keep on trucking. Yet sometimes I don't. It is nice to be young. To make mistakes, to have fun, and to just do whatever. I wish life was a two-way street, but as we all know it only goes one way, age. BLAH!!
Posted by
Border Walker
8:52 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Missed Chances and Sacrifices
We all have had to make tough choices. Sometimes it is just to eat and other times it can be so much more. Like if you should pay the heating bill or buy food for your kids. I had a tough choice the other day. I had a tennis match scheduled for today. I also had a huge dress rehearsal scheduled for today also. Both ran over the same time slot. The tennis match was just a match right? Go to the dress rehearsal so you can perform in front of MANY people this Friday was the obvious choice. Well I learned that one of the varsity couldn't play and I was the next guy up. So I would take his spot. VARSITY, on a high school team as a 9th grader! My coach tried to convince me by saying he would give my spot to a worse guy whom I really really really dislike. However, I had made up my mind, I was going to dance. I got lucky today though, it snowed, and snowed hard. They HAD to cancel the match. I was in luck. I even got to talk to my coach, but apparently he was going to play a worse guy in that varsity spot because he "promised" it to him. Obviously he was trying to get me upset for skipping tennis for dance. That seems immature to me and I might not even go out for tennis next year because they do have a ballroom dance club thingie that I would like to do. Maybe if my coach had not been so rude and manipulative I wouldn't make that decision, but unless something changes, I am most likely not going to be on the tennis team next year where I would be varsity for sure. Tough decisions, but I have made mine, dance over tennis.
If you had to make a tough decision such as do you pay a heating bill in winter to keep your heat or buy shoes for your kid, what would you choose? These choices have to be made everyday. Someone has to make them. It is amazing how our mind weighs our choices. We have to put a value to everything. Using these values we have to then rank them. It is sad when the choice comes down to two things we really need, such as heating and food or even clothes. Some how we have to come out with a decision.
Posted by
Border Walker
6:40 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Man, Oh Man, Do I need to blog or what???
So as one of my friends has pointed out that I haven't blogged in almost a month, I am finally doing something about it. As most of my readers (if there are any left) know I love dance, I have a performance this friday at LHS. It will rock. There will be over 300 dancers. My team is only 30 of them. We do get to do the opening song and a couple more later in. I will be in a Salsa routine which is the very first performance. I will also be in a Cha-Cha later on, followed by a Samba. I have the same partner in Cha-Cha and Salsa but a different one for the Samba. In the start of the Samba all the guys are in the center and we get to "check-out" the girls as my coach put it as they dance around us. We also get to scream all sorts of things. Like Hola Chickas! Or CALIENTE!!! It will rock hard core. In salsa I'm the second guy to enter on the stage and I am infront for the most part. Then in Cha-Cha I'm second on stage but in the very front until the very end where I am in the center back with no one infront of me. So I get my fair share of the lime-light. Of course we have the finale, but aside from a quick move in the front, I'm in the back for the big finish. Oh well, can't be the center the entire time.
*Note to the few readers I have left, I will post at least 2 more by Thursday...
Posted by
Border Walker
6:48 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
My laptop broke. The keyboard and mouse both stopped working. It sucks. I have way bad luck with my electronic devices. Such as my cell phones. One found its way into a bowl of water. Another in to my washing machine and then my dryer! I had an MP3 player actually survive my washer and dryer. Another one of my MP3 players survived falling off a two story building, dumped into water, and my dog attacking it. Alas, time was its downfall. I had a laptop before this most recent one that was short-circuitted. My dog chewed on the power cord, and it corroded down to the point where the resistence stopped and it blew it up my motherboard. Bad luck! I have no idea if I can fix it or not. I wonder what happened. I turned it on yesterday and the keyboard and mouse wouldn't work. The laptop started just fine, but this time when I started it, since the keyboard wouldn't work, I couldn't get past the log-on screen. Well, I had an ace up my sleeve. I turned it on and off 5 times which sets the laptop to start-up recovery mode. Basically it is a safe mode that fixes all the basic problems with software and hardware when you do something stupid. Well after sitting at this recovery mode for ten minutes, it comes back and says, "There is a problem with your start-up, please click yes to continue." CLICK!?!?!? How in the heck am I suppose to click yes when the mouse won't work? Thanks for telling me there is a problem, but if the problem prevents me from clicking yes how in the heck is it suppose to fix it? It sucks...
Posted by
Border Walker
5:53 PM
Friday, March 7, 2008
So I Need to Blog
I haven't blogged in a long long long while. My life kinda went KABOOM!!! Well now I need to blog!
"Luck is on my side," Tom gleefully said. "Is it really," Bob retorted, "Look you just stepped on gum!" Luck is all about perspective. I have luck, but I call luck by its true name, attitude. Attitude makes the world what it is. Luck, attitude, and chance make my life go round. Luck is like Oreos, it seems rough around the edges, but it has an awesome center.
Luck is perspective, and luck is attitude. With control over these two attributes, you can effectivly make your own luck. Unlike chance, luck can be controlled. With the right perspective you can turn the worst situation, regardless how bad it may seem, into the happiest thing ever. Attitude affects how you see things. With a good attitude anything can seem good. It is like putting paper under a red light. Once the white paper is under the red light, it becomes red.
Remember what you have learned about luck. It is about perspective, attitude, and sometimes even just about your standpoint. Luck is something many people wish they could control. What they don't realize is that all they need to do is change their attitude. Luck is like a bird to most people, it flys where it wants whenever it wants.
Posted by
Border Walker
7:16 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
1, 2, 3, LIFT!!!
Oh my! BLAH!!! The Viennese Waltz is all about lifting and spinning, spinning while lifting, and lifting then spinning. Can anyone else see why I'm so blah! It is fun, don't get me wrong, to do the viennese waltz, but it can be quite tiring. You have to move super fast and spin and lift!!! At least I am super lucky, my partner is light! And I am buff! Haha! Honestly, I have no idea what the other couples will do. Our routine is very over the top, and quite honestly I think we will be the only ones actually doing the lifts! I hope so, it will make us stand out. Dancing is so crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy! After looking up some facts I found something interesting. In a true Viennese Waltz the couple never stops turning. Not once. Pretty crazy huh? I hope I don't throw up from being dizzy.
Posted by
Border Walker
7:45 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Tomorrow Is Just Another Day For You To Lose
Well, that title isn't very fitting for me. On Saturday, my dance partner and I, had a Cha-Cha competition. We had to come up with our own routines and perform them infront of a huge crowd of kids. (This was a church dance thing) So of course my ballroom dance partner and I entered. We had no idea for what was coming up. They gave us four songs to pracitice to so we thought we got to pick one to compete on. WRONG! We had a routine about 3:15 long, well the song they chose was about 1:30...YIKES!!! We had to make up stuff on the fly. We had to talk to each other while dancing and keeping our feet in order to keep up. In the end we were able to hit some sort of finishing pose. All we could do is hope that half of our normal routine would impress them enough to win. We missed so much of our neat stuff I thought we were out for sure. Believe it or not, we still won. Crazy, huh? Honestly, as one of my friends put it, that was pro. It was awesome to dance infront of all those kids. My dance partner had the most awesome costume! It was all sparkley and completely awesome! It was the best costume by far. I had a silver silk tie! Pretty neat huh? Next month they are holding a Waltz competition! I can't wait!
Posted by
Border Walker
7:28 AM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Here We Are Now
Posted by
Border Walker
6:20 PM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
You Might Think I'm Happy, But I'm Not Gonna Be Ok!
I am so tired lately. My diagnosis of the problem: insomnia. I spend hours just under my blankets in my bed, wondering why the sandman hates me so much. According to several sources, insomnia is common in teenagers as their body is practically on steriods. least dance is going great! It gives me a reason to grind out another week of torture. One way I have chosen to counteract this is to start actually working out and eating better. A healthier diet and more active lifestyle can help to keep the body energized and ready for everyday work. Today I tried V8. (This is what made me want to make myself better) Man, I have been missing out. V8 was just like fruit punch, only healthy! I felt so great afterwards! Another thing I am going to try is reading more. By keeping my brain active, and not just on hibernate mode while watching T.V., it will help to shake this tired feeling. I hope to stick to this plan. I really do.
Posted by
Border Walker
8:53 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
Jacob (Creative Name Huh) IT'S A GYM!!!
NAL we sooo much fun. We played against a team that have been UNDEAFTED for YEARS. We were down by one and Jacob (hhahaha love that name) answered one right. It put us in the lead with only 10 secs left on the clock. THE WHOLE FAIRFIELD SIDE SCREAMED AND JUMPED. The next question would decide the game. NO ONE KNEW IT! WE WON! GO JACOB!!!
Posted by
Border Walker
4:23 PM
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Do you hate being sick? All the coughing and sneezing and runny noses and headaches and, well you get my point. It sucks. I wish doctors would find a way to stop colds already. BLAH!!!! I hate sickness. It wraps you up and won't let you out no matter what you do! Sickness is like death, we all know it is there, but we don't hate it until it is at hand.
Posted by
Border Walker
7:31 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Crazy Ideas
Have you ever had an idea so crazy that is can't work? Welcome to my life. I have soooo many crazy ideas running around my head right now. As most of the peeps who will be reading this, you already know somewhat about the Cha-Cha competition this month. Seeing as we don't have money to pay someone with a routine, I am assuming that we need to come up with our own routines. Crazy huh? Well I have a couple ideas that are just so far out there that it will be very hard to do. Most of the times we get these ideas we throw them away. Not me, and not this time. Just watch for my partner and I, we will have some crazy stuff for you guys. Hope ya can keep up! ^^
Posted by
Border Walker
6:08 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Dance Performance
The dance performance rocked ^^! I rocked the Cha-Cha, and my partner rocked too! We were so rockin! I just want to go dance a million more times. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. The BYU dance rocked way hard too! They were awesome, and I even got to talk to them and they said I was awesome! YAY!
Posted by
Border Walker
4:34 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
So We Need A Thesis Eh?
As part of third term we are suppose to have a thesis statement for our blogs. Well then here we go!
Dance has taken over my life. (I bet you didn't see that one coming) It appears to be all I can think about. At school it is almost no different. I spend much of my time thinking about it. Not only can I not stop thinking about, but I also can't stop talking about it. My personality often has me saying what I think. This leads to unique situations. It can also be very funny, and on the other hand, it can be very awkward. Dance is something I think about, and therefore talk about. If you mind you better leave because I won't change just for you.
Posted by
Border Walker
6:45 PM
Writing Assignment
Dear School Board,
Imagine another boring year of school with the same standard classes as before. Your usual math, English, and geography classes are the only choices. There are no other choices such as art, wood shop, or band. This year, as one might imagine, is going to be quite boring, just like the previous years. There are many reasons to not get rid of elective classes in school just to save money. Electives allow students to pursue what they want. This allows them to break the cookie cutter mode that earlier years of school had engraved in them. Another reason is that without electives, there is nothing to give the mind a break from standard work. Finally, electives provide many jobs for teachers.
The first reason not to band school electives is that the average student has no idea what they want to be when they grow up. It is quite often not even thought about. Electives allow students to explore career choices long before it is time to choose. This permits plenty of time for them to explore many different options and seeing what suits them best. Allowing them to find out early what they like will lead to a lifetime of happiness. Elective classes are like a shoe store, you just don’t walk in and buy a pair of shoes, but instead you try many on, and see what suits you best.
Not only do electives help choose a career path, but also they give students a break from the average work. Constantly thinking about the core subjects such as math, science, and English can drain the brain and body of energy. Elective classes provide a time when students can get up and do something different. This allows them to have fun and reengage after a long time of constant brain drain. It rejuvenates the brain and gets the students ready for more. Providing this time of rejuvenation and relaxation is critical to optimum performance in the core class.
Lastly, elective classes provide many jobs for adults. There are tons of teachers who are employed in electives such as art, wood shop, or band. With the elective classes gone, you would be putting many families without an income. This would also send many others into bankruptcy. Electives provide many jobs for adults who want to work with children, and do what they love. Without electives, many adults would become unemployed, or even possibly homeless.
It is clear that electives are a great benefit. Without them, school would be clearly changed, for the worse. Electives allow many young adults find what will suit them best in life. It is a great stepping stone to becoming truly happy. Electives also provide a way for our brains to take a minute vacation. This allows students to recharge and get ready for more schooling. Most of all, without those electives, many adults, even parents, would lose their jobs. They would be forced to find new ones or let their families suffer. All in all, it is clear that elective classes should not be eliminated.
Posted by
Border Walker
10:40 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Nerves, Have Any I Could Borrow?
I know most of you by now have heard about my performance. I am sooo nervous. Almost all of you have heard of responded with the usual "You'll do great!" "Don't worry about it!" "Just have fun!" Is it really fun if I drop my partner and 1200 peeps stare at me, and THEN the coach afterwards will not be a happy camper. Plus, what about my partner on the floor? Are you guys so sure I will do great? How many of you have seen the routine to the song we are doing it? Blah, it is nice to hear, "You'll do great!" but what comfort does it give? Doing great is much more easily said then done. What is it with everyone and this "positivity" thing? It seems like everyone is positive all the time. That really isn't a problem, but that is as long as it doesn't blind the eyes. A blind man can't dance can he? It is great to be positive, but is it really so great when it blinds obvious truths? I haven't had near the same experience as everyone else has had on this. I worked hard don't get me wrong, but this is my first performance. Maybe not in this case, but it is something we should all watch for. Just remember, the blind man can't dance.
Posted by
Border Walker
8:28 AM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I'll Give You One Guess What I'm Gonna Talk About
The regional dance was yesterday. It was soooo much fun. My ballroom dance partner was there and we signed up to do the Cha-Cha for a competition at the next regional! I hope we get some time to practice! I wonder what the other people will do for the competition. I have some awesome ideas for it though! I can't wait for it! This Saturday will be way nerve racking. As long as I don't screw up on Friday, Saturday I will perform infront of 1200 peeps! Also right before the BYU team performs! BLAH! A routine I have done for two weeks, infront of all those peeps! Everyone else has had somewhere around 6 months! At least my dance partner has helped me a TON!!! I just hope I don't forget my steps infront of those peeps! Those lights are so unbearable sometimes! I remember when I did a bell choir for my elementary, there were maybe 300 peeps watching, with the lights so bright I thought it was noon. Man, I had sheet music infront of me and I still got so nervous I was late! Blah, but that was a long, long time ago!
Posted by
Border Walker
6:25 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Dance, Yes Again...
Dance today was soooo awesome! I got the routine down almost to a tee! (That is a golf term for those who don't know) It way rocks! I also got this really hott jacket. I want to wear it all day everyday! They are so comfortable! They also look so awesome. I am going to wear it to school! ^^. I am a boy, and proud to do dance! Tomorrow is the regional dance! That is gonna be WAY awesome. Well, I am so excited right now that I can't type very much more.
Posted by
Border Walker
8:42 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I Am Gonna Try Something New
My guess is that by now you guys are tired of hearing about how I love dance and can't wait for Friday. Now let me think about something else....hmmm... Oh I know! I just got back from my friend's mutual. I found I knew almost EVERYONE there. They were all nice and I had so much fun! Why do I have to go to a far away church building, with horrible leaders, and the worst youth I have ever met? (Including non-LDS peeps) WHY? I think I am just going to go to mutual every week with them and possibly Sunday school becuase they are awesome! They were nice to me, they all had fun without cussing or talking about things that are very inappropriate, and I knew most of them! It was like I belonged, unlike my horrible ward. Well now that that story is over I am gonna think of something else. Hmmmm...well once again all I can think about is dance. Only two more school days! I have a math test on both days! At least I got 97/100 on the Comp. Tech. final. Go me! Only two more days!
Posted by
Border Walker
7:28 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Four Days!
Man, dance is like a drug. You get your first sniff/huff/taste/ and that is it. You are hooked! Man, that is all I can think about! I have no idea who I am gonna focus in school! I still need 9 more AR points by Wednesday! I have a book read though, and it is worth 11 points! So at least I have some leeway, and I guess I could read ALL day tomorrow, but I don't want to. Dance is once again the only thing that pops to my mind. I just want to dance my entire life. I wonder how long this, "high," will last. As long as my grades stay high, I want this to stay. It is like my entire life was a car with no battery, and dance was in affect pushing that car down the hill and popping the clutch to get it going, and now I am cruising at 110 MPH!
Posted by
Border Walker
6:37 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Everyone Knows I'm In Over My Head - The Fray
I love that song, and man, do I feel like it! Ballroom was soooo much fun. On the other hand, compared to the others I must have looked like a goose with it's head cut off! Everyone said I did nicely for my first time with those routines, but man was it HARD! Geez! I love it to death though. I would do it all day everyday for my life if I could. It was nice to know people in the class too! Without them, I would have never done this! So cudos (Or however you spell it) to you guys! Dance is gonna be the best thing that has ever happened for me!
Posted by
Border Walker
6:09 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Here Goes Nothing, Well Actually Quite Alot, But Here Goes Nothing Sounds Cooler
Tomorrow! It is tomorrow! IT IS TOMORROW! HECK YEAH!!! Time to FINALLY start ballroom dance! I am so excited I have no idea how I am gonna remember my Shakespeare lines that I have to recite tomorrow cuz I was gone for English today! I can't wait! I am so totally gonna wear one of my awesome shirts from Anchor Blue! It is going to be the most awesome day this year! OH YEAH! HECK YEAH! TOTALLY YEAH! ALL THE WAY! I'm also nervous. I don't have near the experience of the other kids, who mostly are younger, so I don't wanna get shown up! Tomorrow will be a day to remember. I want every moment to be a year so I could savor every minute. The school day will be long, and the dance short, but it is worth it. I have been waiting for this day for, well, I don't quite remember, but a LONG time! YEAH! I can't believe it is tomorrow! I just want it to be tomorrow already! Oh man, ballroom dance has done so much for me, and yet I haven't even started yet! That is the truly amazing part if you ask me! I have seemed so much more happy, and lively I think. Now how far will it push me? How far will I make it? I have never danced in dance shoes, when I put them on I felt, good! They have almost no ankle support, but I run around bare foot all the time. This part that will mess me up the most will be the heel! Man, a dude wearing a heel! Geez, oh well I will be well worth it! Plus, I will be taller! Hehe! I CAN'T WAIT! This was my Christmas Present for those who don't know. Most kids just ask for a toy or too, maybe some clothes, and are quite content. What did I do? Ask for ballroom dance! Man I have the best parents for letting me do this! It will be WAY awesome. This is the coolest present I have gotten for Christmas ever! This beats out the laptop I got last year. (Which did break, but still, not my fault it had bad wires and the motherboard blew)
Posted by
Border Walker
5:27 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Come On, Come On, Spin A Little Faster, And The World Will Follow After
I can't wait for dance. I bet by now all my friends are just ready to shoot me, but oh well. Dance is well worth it. It is like talking for your soul. Trut me when i say, I need to talk some off. Only a couple more days. The hard part is going to be able to focus on my Shakespeare memorization (Which I should be doing now 0_o) and all my other general work. I still have to do a lab make-up! Man I want my life to just back off right now and let me do my thing, but of course life has me by my reigns. I wish I could break free, but just as a broken horse, they hold me here in place. It seems like life sometimes just goes into a blur and you do everyday without living. I want to live everyday!
Posted by
Border Walker
3:16 PM
Friday, January 4, 2008
From One Of My No Longer Enemies...BLARG
I hate being sick. It makes me want to just curl up and sleep for three days straight. IT SUCKS!!! I want to get better in like 2 minutes instead of remain sick for days. Making up school sucks too! I don't like it at all. BLARG
Posted by
Border Walker
8:28 PM