Monday, December 17, 2007

Moving-South Carolina

Well I have already told some of you guys, at least the ones I like...jk, that I am moving to South Carolina! Amazing huh? No, not really. Anywho, I will either move within the next year, or I will move after I graduate high school. Not really sure which right now. Moving is just part of my life I guess. Utah has been, well, hmmm, a different experience. Not the friendliest people here, at least I think. That does not mean that all of you guys are bad. Some of you are AWESOME. This will be the 7th state I have lived in. So it is no longer if I move, but when. Don't worry all you peeps with MSN messenger. I will still log on everyday. South Carolina is a new place, with new people, and a whole different culture. If I move soon I will miss you guys, if I don't than we still have 3 and a half more years together.


Brain said...

7th state?!?!?!? I've moved several times but only to 2 states! That's INSANE!

Panda Girl said...

What! You should stay until High School is over, at least...

I.N.H. said...

OMGOSH i guess you don't like me enough to tell this. Thats okay. You should stay till you finish high school though..