Eleven days until I start ballroom dance! I hope my dance shoes get here on time! Would be hard to dance in my ugly tennis shoes...I can't wait! Ballroom dance is gonna be so awesome! I absolutely love to dance! Dancing is just so fun, and a great way to get out energy too! I can't wait. I wish I could just zoom forward the 11 days. 264 hours. 15,840 minutes! 950,400 seconds! Wow, am I excited or what?
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The New Year
Almost time for New Years! Did you know that? Yeah, I bet you did. I haven't updated in a while because of Christmas break, which is sadly coming to an end. Almost time for school to start up again. Not the best thing, but I guess it gives me something to do all day...
Posted by
Border Walker
10:15 AM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
17-16, 3 seconds left in the game. UCLA has made 2 previous field goals from 50+ yards, they are on the 30-something. They go for the kick. BYU is in the blitz. ONE GUY, got ONE finger on the ball. That caused it to rotate OUT. BYU WON! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Posted by
Border Walker
8:40 PM
Quiz for you guys to take, Mine is below
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Basics: | |
Name: | |
Date of Birth: | |
Birthplace: | |
Current Location: | |
Eye Color: | |
Hair Color: | |
Height: | |
Heritage: | |
Piercings: | |
Tattoos: | |
Favourite: | |
Band/Singer: | |
Song: | |
Movie: | |
Disney Movie: | |
TV show: | |
Color: | |
Food: | |
Pizza topping: | |
Ice-Cream Flavor: | |
Drink (alcoholic): | |
Soda: | |
Store: | |
Clothing Brand: | |
Shoe Brand: | |
Season: | |
Month: | |
Holiday/Festival: | |
Flower: | |
Make-Up Item: | |
Board game: | |
This or That | |
Sunny or rainy: | |
Chocolate or vanilla: | |
Fruit or veggie: | |
Night or day: | |
Sour or sweet: | |
Love or money: | |
Phone or in person: | |
Looks or personality: | |
Coffee or tea: | |
Hot or cold: | |
Your: | |
Goal for this year: | |
Most missed memory: | |
Best physical feature: | |
First thought waking up: | |
Hypothetical personality disorder: | |
Preferred type of plastic surgery: | |
Sesame street alter ego: | |
Fairytale alter ego: | |
Most stupid remark: | |
Worst crime: | |
Greatest ambition: | |
Greatest fear: | |
Darkest secret: | |
Favorite subject: | |
Strangest received gift: | |
Worst habit: | |
Do You: | |
Smoke: | |
Drink: | |
Curse: | |
Shower daily: | |
Like thunderstorms: | |
Dance in the rain: | |
Sing: | |
Play an instrument: | |
Get along with your parents: | |
Wish on stars: | |
Believe in fate: | |
Believe in love at first sight: | |
Can You: | |
Drive: | |
Sew: | |
Cook: | |
Speak another language: | |
Dance: | |
Sing: | |
Touch your nose with your tongue: | |
Whistle: | |
Curl your tongue: | |
Have You Ever: | |
Been Drunk: | |
Been Stoned/High: | |
Eaten Sushi: | |
Been in Love: | |
Skipped school: | |
Made prank calls: | |
Sent someone a love letter: | |
Stolen something: | |
Cried yourself to sleep: | |
Other Questions: | |
What annoys you most in a person? | |
Are you right or left handed? | |
What is your bedtime? | |
Name three things you can't live without: | |
What is the color of your room? | |
Do you have any siblings? | |
Do you have any pets? | |
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? | |
What is you middle name? | |
What are you nicknames? | |
Are you for or against gay marriage? | |
What are your thoughts on abortion? | |
Do you have a crush on anyone? | |
Are you afraid of the dark? | |
How do you want to die? | |
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? | |
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? | |
What is the last law you’ve broken? | |
In a Member of the Opposite Sex: | |
Hair color: | |
Eye color: | |
Height | |
Weight | |
Most important physical feature: | |
Biggest turn-off | |
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com |
Posted by
Border Walker
11:48 AM
Quiz Time
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Basics: | |
Name: | T_o_a_ K_n_a_l B_c_m_l_e_ |
Date of Birth: | 01/09/93 |
Birthplace: | Michigan |
Current Location: | Utah |
Eye Color: | Greenish |
Hair Color: | Blondish |
Height: | 5'9 |
Heritage: | Denmark |
Piercings: | None |
Tattoos: | None |
Favourite: | |
Band/Singer: | Queen |
Song: | American Pie |
Movie: | I Am Legend |
Disney Movie: | Pirates of the Carribean |
TV show: | Pysch |
Color: | Green |
Food: | Pizza |
Pizza topping: | Pepperoni or Sausage |
Ice-Cream Flavor: | Vanilla |
Drink (alcoholic): | NONE |
Soda: | Any really... |
Store: | Anchor Blue |
Clothing Brand: | Anchor Blue |
Shoe Brand: | Nike |
Season: | Spring |
Month: | April |
Holiday/Festival: | Christmas |
Flower: | Roses |
Make-Up Item: | Ummmm, I AM A GUY! |
Board game: | Stratego |
This or That | |
Sunny or rainy: | Sunny |
Chocolate or vanilla: | Vanilla |
Fruit or veggie: | Fruit |
Night or day: | Night |
Sour or sweet: | Sour |
Love or money: | Love |
Phone or in person: | In Person |
Looks or personality: | Both! ^^ Hehe I cheat! |
Coffee or tea: | NIETHER |
Hot or cold: | Cold, much easier to heat up than cool down |
Your: | |
Goal for this year: | Not get in a fight |
Most missed memory: | Washington |
Best physical feature: | Smile, I don't think so but other people do... |
First thought waking up: | Already? |
Hypothetical personality disorder: | Bipolar Disorder |
Preferred type of plastic surgery: | NONE |
Sesame street alter ego: | Elmo |
Fairytale alter ego: | |
Most stupid remark: | Is your brother a girl or a boy? |
Worst crime: | None |
Greatest ambition: | To become a doctor, more specifically a pedatrician |
Greatest fear: | Of losing control |
Darkest secret: | I love to go shopping |
Favorite subject: | Math |
Strangest received gift: | A shoe |
Worst habit: | Forgetting to cut my nails... |
Do You: | |
Smoke: | No |
Drink: | No |
Curse: | NO |
Shower daily: | HECK YEAH |
Like thunderstorms: | All the way |
Dance in the rain: | Of course! |
Sing: | Only if no one can hear me! |
Play an instrument: | I wish |
Get along with your parents: | Almost always |
Wish on stars: | Everynight |
Believe in fate: | Somewhat |
Believe in love at first sight: | Not really |
Can You: | |
Drive: | Not legally |
Sew: | Yeah |
Cook: | Of course! |
Speak another language: | Yeah, Spanish! But not a ton |
Dance: | No dur! |
Sing: | No not really |
Touch your nose with your tongue: | Almost, I need just a little more... |
Whistle: | I wish |
Curl your tongue: | In weird ways! |
Have You Ever: | |
Been Drunk: | No |
Been Stoned/High: | No |
Eaten Sushi: | No |
Been in Love: | No |
Skipped school: | Yeah, but with permission from parents... |
Made prank calls: | Yeah |
Sent someone a love letter: | No |
Stolen something: | No |
Cried yourself to sleep: | Yes |
Other Questions: | |
What annoys you most in a person? | Being too serious |
Are you right or left handed? | Left for writing and eating, right for sports...I know I am messed up.. |
What is your bedtime? | When I want |
Name three things you can't live without: | God, family, friends |
What is the color of your room? | White, sadly |
Do you have any siblings? | Yes |
Do you have any pets? | Yes, dogs and cats |
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? | Never |
What is you middle name? | Kendall |
What are you nicknames? | Tommy, Nerd, Hey You! |
Are you for or against gay marriage? | Against |
What are your thoughts on abortion? | Don't do it |
Do you have a crush on anyone? | Yes |
Are you afraid of the dark? | Nope |
How do you want to die? | A unique and painful way, you only get to do it once! |
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? | 3 |
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? | Of course |
What is the last law you’ve broken? | I think maybe copyright, but I hope not.. |
In a Member of the Opposite Sex: | |
Hair color: | Blonde |
Eye color: | Blue |
Height | Shorter than me |
Weight | Not overly obease |
Most important physical feature: | Eyes |
Biggest turn-off | Bad teeth |
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com |
Posted by
Border Walker
11:35 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Say YAY to Friends
I am so glad my friends care about me. My friends are actually sad I am leaving. In WA only four peeps cared I moved. Sad I know, but I am glad for such nice friends here! YAY FOR FRIENDS!!!
Posted by
Border Walker
9:25 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
I wonder if happiness has its own mind. I found out today I am moving, again...yet I am happy. Truly happy! I wonder if there was a way you could trap happiness' root and keep it locked in your heart. If there was a way, I would find it...
Posted by
Border Walker
9:20 PM
Moving-South Carolina
Well I have already told some of you guys, at least the ones I like...jk, that I am moving to South Carolina! Amazing huh? No, not really. Anywho, I will either move within the next year, or I will move after I graduate high school. Not really sure which right now. Moving is just part of my life I guess. Utah has been, well, hmmm, a different experience. Not the friendliest people here, at least I think. That does not mean that all of you guys are bad. Some of you are AWESOME. This will be the 7th state I have lived in. So it is no longer if I move, but when. Don't worry all you peeps with MSN messenger. I will still log on everyday. South Carolina is a new place, with new people, and a whole different culture. If I move soon I will miss you guys, if I don't than we still have 3 and a half more years together.
Posted by
Border Walker
7:30 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Nothing is Wrong
I wonder if I am the only one who has this happens. Days where nothing at all went wrong....and nothing went right. These kind of days make me want to scream. Sometimes I think they are worse then days where something went wrong. This is because you still feel crappy but you can't talk out your problems because after all nothing went wrong. Just nothing went right. This makes me want to scream and just run...
Posted by
Border Walker
4:54 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
You Are My Everything
I see you walk
I watch you talk
I try to get close
But I can't stalk
You are my everything
You are my sky
My ground
And every thing through the two
Do you see me?
Your eyes fill me with glee.
Do you hear me?
You voice makes me flee
You are my everything
You are my sky
My ground
And every thing through the two
*NOTE Just something I threw together in like 10 min
Posted by
Border Walker
7:44 PM
So I am sitting at dinner, and guess what? We had diced fried potatoes, very wonderful to eat. I took a very very small amount. I remember looking over at my sisters plate and thinking, "WOW, she has twice the amount of potatoes I do!" So once everyone gets their share I went back for a little more. Mi padres asked me what I was doing. So I tell the truth, I took a very small amount. What does my sister say? No, I remember looking at your plate and 'sayin wow you have a ton of potatoes. I was ready to scream. I wanted my share of potatoes! So my sister ended up with twice the amount of potatoes I did...oh well....
Posted by
Border Walker
5:25 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Old Friends
We all have them. The friends from years past. They are always long since left behind. Sometimes it is nice to revisit the past. I have moved a ton. I have friends I remember from Oregon, Washington, Oklahoma, and now here! Sometimes it is nice to just talk to someone from the past. Other times you wish you could just move on. I guess some of you are lucky, you have never moved. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I had never moved. How is it to have never moved?
Posted by
Border Walker
8:09 PM
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Quad-Stake Dance
Let me just start off by saying that this dance had fewr peeps then the monthly Kaysville one, but anywho it was a good dance. Only one other of my friends showed up! Talk about lame, *COUGHFRIENDWHOSNAMESTARTSWITHAB* anywho at least my one friend and I had fun! It was awesome! Of course that means I will be dead tired tomorrow, but why worry about the future?
Posted by
Border Walker
10:27 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
I have no idea what in the world to type about. I could just sit here and rant on and on about something that nobody cares about. *COUGHOTHERHONORENGLISHSTUDENTSWHOWRITEABOUTWEIRDTHINGSOVERANDOVEREACHWEEKCOUGH* So I decided I would write about nothing right now and you guys can go on your way. Besides I still have two days to write my 500 words.
Posted by
Border Walker
9:49 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Ballroom Blitz
I get to do ballroom as some of you may know. In fact I get to join a class that many of my friends are in! I can't wait to start! It is gonna be so awesome.
Posted by
Border Walker
5:40 PM