Seize the day! Don't sit there and stare at the world. We are here to live. So live. Take that chance you were thinking about. Don't let everything you want slip through your hands. If you never take risk, you never succeed or fail. So are you just going to sit there and be neutral your whole dang life? No. Never. Not me! I would rather see success right next to failure. Risk is worth taking. Go ahead try for yourself. Tell that special someone that they are special. Go outside and have fun. Dance like no one is watching. Confidence is attractive. Show that you aren't afraid of others. So what if you fail? Does it truly matter in the end? We all end up six feet under. Go out tomorrow, and just take that risk. Tuesday I should take some extra risk. Tell some kids what I truly think. So should you! If everyone said what they thought there would be no confusing girls! Haha. Seize the day.
"Live every day as if it were your last and then some day you'll be right. ~H.H. "Breaker" Morant"
"Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. ~Wayne Dyer"
"Every man dies. Not every man really lives. ~Braveheart"
"As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do. ~Zachary Scott"
"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. ~Abraham Lincoln"
"Most of us spend our lives as if we had another one in the bank. ~Ben Irwin"
"Seize the day. If we let them slip away, we only let our happiness go with it. ~Tom Buchmiller"
Sunday, May 25, 2008
You Might Regret What You Let Slip Away
Posted by
Border Walker
7:02 PM
Move Along, Just To Make It Through
When everything is wrong, we move along. Why can't people grasp this concept? It isn't that hard. We have all been taught how to live, and what to do. So why when are we kicked down, we stop. It doesn't make sense. I take joy in seeing myself pull myself out of the dirt and stand up. Even if this is just to get kicked down again. No matter how many times I am hit, kicked, and pushed face down into the dirt, I stand. Why is it that I see so many others just stay on the ground? Have they no honor? If we let others push us down we give them power over us. We let them show they are better. Is that really what you want? It makes no sense. When everything is wrong, we move along. Move along just to make it through. Never go against what you know to be true. If you know they aren't better than you, then get back up. If you know that you have to get up. Get up.
Posted by
Border Walker
6:57 PM
I haven't been blogging like I use to. I guess life just got busy and I kept pushing this off. Everyday I would just say, I have one more day tomorrow. This really became a problem for me this last term of school. I got lazy and now I have started to procrastinate. It seems that every year I start the school with renewed energy and I get everything done and everything is just fine. Then this energy carries me through 2nd term and most of 3rd, but by 4th term I am so lazy that I don't do anything until the day before it is due. This is something I plan to work on this upcoming year. With the classes I'm taking next year I can' t afford to put things off. With an A/B schedule it will make it easy to procrastinate, but it will hurt me if I do. I just need to use my mind and put it towards doing my work. It isn't so much that I can't do my work, just I don't feel like it. There is always tomorrow right? Wrong. If we all put things off until tomorrow our lives would be ruined. Such is the example of eating healthy. If we put it off then we are just hurting ourselves. Or it doesn't have to be something physical. Like asking a girl out. If we keep putting off, we will never go out. (Learn this now boys!) Procrastination should be considered evil. Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins. So start working now and don't wait for tomorrow. Because today is the tomorrow you talked about yesterday. Not everything can be pushed back a day. If we do, we become sloths. They aren't the most beautiful things either.
Posted by
Border Walker
6:44 PM